Legal Disclaimer
You are expected to read this disclaimer before making use of our services.
“Sivaroshan” and “Source Awakened Healing” (the “owner”; operative at, for all intents and purposes, shall strictly not be held liable for the incorrect application (or application with lack of requisite supervision or mental capacity) of its teachings and services related to yoga instruction and energy healing (the “services” and “teachings”).
The teachings provided give no warranty, claim, treatment, or guarantee of results and are for empowerment and educational use under the owner’s expertise as a yoga instructor and energy healer. Due to fluctuations in individuals’ physical condition and mental biochemistry, no guarantee of any specific results can be given.
Any and all content throughout the website and associated platforms as well as other content and/or testimonials on ancillary social media presence (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, or other) is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease, physical or mental condition, and does not in any way qualify or substitute the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.
The owner possesses expertise in the teachings and wellness methods practiced, and nothing recommended shall be interpreted as a medical diagnosis, prescription, treatment, or cure of any physical or mental condition. It remains your sole responsibility to consult with the appropriate healthcare provider in case of an underlying medical condition.
Any physical exercise added, removed or changed from your personal regimen should be similarly discussed. It is to be understood that the provided services may, through any natural improvements in health sustained, alter your need for prescribed remedies. These changes should be thoroughly supervised by your healthcare provider, who should be consulted before applying any changes that may affect your physical or mental condition. In no event whatsoever will the owner be held liable for any damages sustained for failure to heed the above and any other precautionary or medical advice.
Should you not accept or agree with any of the above terms, it is strictly forbidden to avail of the services provided. By accessing and purchasing any services via this or any ancillary platform, you declare your full acceptance and understanding of this disclaimer. Medical consultation services and recommendations are not included in the provided services.
Safe and appropriate application of the services is the sole and exclusive responsibility of yourself as the buyer. You are expected to use such services through the provided instructions, if any. The owner will strictly not be held responsible for any physical injury, emotional losses or triggering of mental health episodes and you hereby accept sole responsibility for any losses suffered through your application of any teachings related to emotional wellness techniques or physical exertion. You embark on any programs or practices at your own risk.
You hereby agree to hold the owner harmless before any applicable court of law and waive your right to hold the same accountable for losses suffered from the proper or improper application of information, instruction, and teachings received and/or practiced.