The spark of inspiration (winter solstice workshop)
Price: £30 In Studio (Triyoga Camden)
Join Sivaroshan Sahathevan for A Spark of Inspiration (Winter Solstice) workshop, which will offer you a space for introspection and personal growth, particularly during the reflective winter season. This workshop will be a combination of an introductory talk followed by the practice of Integrated Kundalini yoga, meditation, and mantra to provide a holistic approach to gaining insight and clarity.
What needs to be ignited inside of you? The spark of all profound creations are seeded from inspiration. That said, inspiration can be allusive; it is not something that often arrives on demand. Inspiration in some sense is like an endangered species and we are the photographer, seeking an allusive photo.
We need some skills to at least get us close to the subject but then we are left with something that many of us find hard to do, we have to wait. Yet this kind of waiting is special; it is beyond time and space. It asks us to drop our ambitions, concepts and desires. It invites a devotion of form to reach the formless. It is here that inspiration often strikes.
In this workshop, on the winter solstice (the coming of the light), we will use Integrated Kundalini Kriya and mantra to invite the spark of inspiration into our hearts.
It will start with a talk, setting the tone and introducing key concepts that will be explored further through the practice sessions, follows by Integrated Kundalini yoga, meditation, and mantra practices. These can be powerful tools for self-discovery and inner transformation. They offer techniques to calm the mind, connect with the body, and tap into inner wisdom. Through these practices, you can explore their inner landscape and find guidance for moving forward with confidence and clarity.
Overall, the workshop offers a balanced blend of theory and practice, providing you with both intellectual understanding and experiential learning. It is a valuable opportunity for anyone seeking deeper insight and personal direction in their life journey.
All levels are welcome